Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Quest to Keep Myself Occupied – Part C, Australian Rules Football

The next day, I attempted to go and take in some Australian culture. Yes, yes, I know. What's that? Is there such a thing as Australian culture? Isn't that some kind of mythical concept? Kind of like Canadian culture?

Well there are some things that uniquely Canadian. Smarties that are chocolate coated chocolate, for instance. Maple syrup. The heart attack in a bowl called Poutine. Who do you do? Oot and aboot. Eh.

So it is with Australia as well. And Australian Rules Football is one of those things. From what I can tell from watching a couple of games on television, it's part rugby, part soccer, part basketball, and all rough. It's hard to explain, and I am unable to show any photos. A friend from the hostel and I decided to go and take in the game at the nearby stadium. Unfortunately it was one of the biggest, and most popular games of the year in the regular season. Two local teams with a strong rivalry were playing. We headed to the 100 000 seat stadium along with a large number of other people. (I had read an article in the paper a couple of days previous to this about how people were complaining that everything about the game was going up, salaries, ticket prices, revenues, everything except the seating capacity of the stadiums. At 100 000 I thought that was quite large and they ought to go see a football stadium in Canada.) As it turned out there were too many. When we arrived, all the general admission tickets were sold out and we were out of luck.

So we headed to a pub and watched it on television instead. It was interesting, but I still would have liked to have experienced that bit of Australian culture (okay, okay, it is a hilarious thing to say, wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!) with a large and raucous crowd.

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