Monday, June 27, 2011

Wandering Around in Moree

Because I arrived in Moree on Wednesday evening, I was left to my own devices for Thursday and Friday. Not everyone leads a life of leisure like me. So I took a wander around the bustling little metropolis of Moree. Ha ha, got ya. But this is a view out into the bush from in town.

But, despite having eight thousand or so people, very few seemed to be about. I was certainly in no danger of being run over when I jaywalked.

From end to end, walking through Moree takes about half an hour. There are a couple of supermarkets, a few cafes and shops. Moree even has a Subway, but again, there seemed to be few people who go there. There are also lots and lots of motels. I guess Moree is a good stopping point for truckers who start to be tired about this point between somewhere and someplace else. I presume the motels are partly for them. Moree also has some therapeutic hot pools. They are currently under renovation, so we didn't go, but during some seasons people flock to Moree to recline in the soothing, healing waters of the thermal pools.

After Sharon finished work, she took me to one of her favourite parts of town, a walking track on the northwest side. It looked remarkably like the photo I took on the southwest side earlier in the day.

The next day I took another walk. I found the horse racing track, and a nice looking horse. I wouldn't have thought Moree big enough to have a racetrack, but maybe it's a nice central point for horses from both Sydney and Brisbane to meet and battle it out for interstate supremacy (Sydney is in New South Wales and Brisbane is in Queensland). They already have a strong rivalry in rugby.

I also saw some wild parrots. I know they came from somewhere, but it's still a bit odd to see birds, that I have only ever known in cages or in people's living rooms, flying around free in the wild, if Moree can be considered wild.

And then, I discovered that Moree is far more than I had been told. I found this street.

This street was the best decorated street at Christmas in 2003. Now I remember some of the streets in Calgary at Christmas, so this must have been one well-decorated street. Oh. Maybe it was just in Moree. :)

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