Thursday, June 2, 2011

Te Papa

Te Papa is the national museum of New Zealand. Canada should take note. Te Papa is a free museum. They seem to want people to be proud of New Zealand and to easily see the history and culture of the country. Hmmm... What an interesting concept.

Anyhow, there is an interesting feature of the museum these days. It wasn't there last time I visited. The things that Google Earth has made happen. I assume the photo/map comes from a satellite of some sort. The put the whole of New Zealand, as seen by satellite, onto the floor of one hall. It is lit up rather well. Then people can walk on the image. At various spots, a person's weight seems to trigger a switch, and lights go zig-zagging out to the wall where there are television screens that show old photos of the area that has been triggered. It's pretty cool. There was none of this sort of thing when I was a kid. Ah, technology...

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