Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I bought a new camera today. I have no shots to share though because I bought it in a duty free shop downtown. The rules for the purchase, though, were that I could not use it before leaving Australia. It was placed in a sealed bag and had all kinds of documentation attached to it to prove that I hadn't tampered with the seal until I was behind the immigration process at the airport. This was on pain of a 5000 dollar fine or up to a year in prison. So my day in the downtown Brisbane area, which was mostly closed anyway as it was the Easter weekend and most businesses just can't afford to pay employees to work it (with a 17 or 18 dollar minimum wage and the extras that would be paid on top of that for working a holiday, I can understand), and my time in the Brisbane Botanical Garden have gone unrecorded, at least in photos. Actually, I was really tired as it was another flight in the middle of the night, so I didn't see much anyway.

And then it was off to Honiara in the Solomon Islands.

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