After a spectacular hike to watch the sunrise on Mount Batur, and then a nap, I decided that it would be good to see one of the Balinese Dances. Ubud has many spots where various dances are performed. There are different ones each night. This night, I was checking my email in Starbucks and the temple in the back of the Starbucks building was to be location of one of these performances. This was called the Chandra Wati: Ladies Orchestra and Dance Troupe. Hopefully it was going to be able to be held outside at the temple. Unfortunately, the rains started shortly before 7 and, with the performance scheduled for 7:30, it ended up that the show was performed indoors. Of course, I didn't know the difference. But the temple looked rather nice, lit up as such places tend to be in tourist areas. It probably would have been quite an attractive event at the temple.

I went into the building where the performance was going to be held and found a seat. There were instruments arranged throughout the room. I think they were made of bronze, but I don't really know for sure. There were also a few of the offerings that adorn all the temples in the area.

After a short while, the musicians came in and took their places and the music began. It was loud. There must have been 50 women playing various metal instruments, and most of those were played by banging something against them. I do find coordination of a large number of instruments to be amazing, but still, this was loud, being inside a building instead of outside at a temple.

The dancers came out and performed their dances. There seemed to be stories involved in each piece, but there were no synopses provided for them, so I don't know what the stories were. It was a nice performance though, and I am glad I went.

At the end all the dancers gathered on the stage and let people come up to get their photos taken with them. I didn't go, but I took the chance to take a photo of them all in one place and standing still.
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