Today, I went to Kota, the old town area. This is where I found out how bad it is to be a pedestrian here. The sidewalks are tiny, if they are there at all. Traffic is everywhere and it can be quite treacherous to cross a street. It's like a big game of Frogger. And the pedestrian is the frog.
Then I continued to wander aimlessly, hoping to find another line of the Busway. Before long, I had wandered into a slummish area of the waterfront district. It was about this time that I began to realize that I had possibly stumbled into “the wrong part of town.” But did I turn around? No. I think it's against some kind of code of mine to go backwards. I don't like to go back, I like to go forwards. Someday, I suppose I will wander into some “wrong part of town” and not turn back, and someone is going to take me up on the offer and turn my day into a rather bad one. I should stop doing foolish things like that. But I came through it fine. I helped some people get a truck unstuck from mud. I talked to a bunch of kids on a bus thing. I smiled and nodded and walked through pretty much unmolested. (There was one guy with a taxi who tried to stop me with waves and hand gestures, basically suggesting that it was a bad idea to be walking in that area. Someday...)
And at the end, I found a Busway route and headed back to the place I'm staying and saw this sunset over the Independence Monument. It was a nice day. Maybe tomorrow I can get out to the islands in the bay, and maybe even stay on one overnight.
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